Return & Replacement
Under normal circumstances, our products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
Upon delivery, you (or your representative) must inspect the product and confirm your acceptance. In an unlikely event that you find a faulty product, you must notify our delivery team & technician immediately. Our technician on the spot will liase and arrange product replacement where applicable. Any damage declared after receipt will not be accepted.
Therefore, it is our customer’s responsibility, on the delivery day, to inspect all items and then sign the invoices to acknowledge that they are received in good condition. Any replacement or refund request thereafter would not be catered.
The furniture made from real wood – beauty of the nature - will never be perfect. Please understand natural flaws (examples below) might happen in our products and we will not be responsible for any refund/ product return & replacement.
Solid wood furniture will have some color variation and marks and it will grow and shrink slightly with changes in the environment.
Pitch Pockets are marks that are mostly caused by insects that injure the trunk cells, resulting in gum spots and rough surfaces. These might be more noticeable in darker wood stain such as Walnut-color wood stain. If required, we can provide touch-up pen upon request.
Because of natural properties in the materials and craftmanship involved in the manufacturing process, acceptable margin of variance in the dimension stated in the specification is within 2%
Please exercise caution in daily usage as all solid wood furniture are not scratch-resistant.

實木傢俬涉及人手工和天然木材製作, 沒可能每件產品都百份百一致和完美無瑕. 局部修補亦在所難免. 如客人對於輕微擦花, 極微的損傷在長遠運送過程不能避免, 完美主義者敬請不要下單. 但多年數據支持令我們有信心, 而且木材天然缺陷其實我們的陳列品也有足夠參考,我們傢俱的品質能滿足絕大部份顧客的合理要求.
• 手工上的少許不完美.
• 餐椅如有高低腳不平為正常現象,我們會提供腳墊貼平衡.
• 客人的個人喜好 (如木色木紋或木材天然缺陷).
• 送貨時已有的輕度刮傷裂紋, 輕度變形, 及局部修補痕跡.
• 送貨後出現的自然現象 (裂縫, 木材變形, 以及其導致的問題), 人為因素導致的情況, 以及客人使用過後出現的問題.
• 木材的天然氣味.